Thursday, 5 December 2013

December 5th- Vintage Games

Let The Games Begin!

Once a month we all gather together, friends and siblings and have games night. Anything that involves tactics and a lot of shouting works the best for us!
If you're spending time with your family this festive period, why not try playing a game and get everyone giggling together!

We found this in a local charity shop for a quid, invited some friends around and got playing!

However, that was easily said then done. We handed the instructions to our Games Master, who could not make any sense of them and kept mentioning how old it was. So, we took to Wikipedia, there are pictures of children playing it, how hard could it be?!
I guess vintage games just aren't for us. We'll stick to Munchkin, King Of Tokyo and Gloom for now!
What games do you and your family like to play?
Alice x